AGATE: improves concentration and heals anger & tension; creates a sense of safety and security
a protective and grounding stone that stabilizes your aura and balances energy; eliminates and transforms negativity, while supporting the blossom of abilities and exerting original capabilities and skills
one of the most important protection and healing stones; balances positive and negative energy; a stone that brings calm and serenity, and allows for smooth communication; promotes truth, reliability, loyalty and self-confidence; reduces stress and tension, bringing forth calmness and relaxation; also facilitates growth and stability, encouraging introspection and contemplation, accompanied by soothing and supportive energy for such growth
enhances verbal communication and allows spiritual experiences into your everyday; bestows calmness, a positive outlook on matters, abundance and prosperity
increases compassion, generosity and a keen sense of justice, along with enhancing mental and emotional flexibility, improving decision-making and resolving disputes
often called the "eternal youth" stone; brings vitality to the body and mental stamina to keep on course with all projects until completion. Also known to assist with building strong and healthy emotional foundations; attracting new and exciting opportunities and relationships
eliminates negativity and pessimism; cleanses bad vibrations and protects your energy when feeling attacked; this gemstone is very calming; it helps balance the root chakra and allows you to stay grounded during stressful or emotional times
enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception & analytical abilities
strengthens the heart; provides courage, eloquence, vitality and prosperity; detoxifies your system, protects from X-rays, elevates self-esteem and brings joy; the revitalizing crystal; reinforces courage, confidence, happiness and prosperity into our lives
gemstone of courage and integrity; empowers you to find your own truth and live aligned with your own beliefs and values, with no fear of judgment or confrontation; aids in communicating effectively as a parent
one of the most powerful gemstones for emotional balance; brings clarity of the mind; dispels rage, fear and anxiety; an excellent connector of the emotional, physical and mental bodies; aids in reducing physical pain and discomfort stemming from arthritis, migraines and injuries, also useful for insomnia and stress; it is a gemstone of great resilience; the all purpose stone
brings emotional balance and clarity of the mind; dispels rage, fear and anxiety; a gemstone of great resilience; sharpens the spirit, allows you to feel invisible energy and accurately sense others' emotions; supports you to grab a hold of opportunities before they slip away, leading to success; sharpens a mother's intuition
raises the state of conscious awareness; represents peace, brotherhood, compassion and universal knowledge
clears confusion & expands knowledge & truth
ARAGONITE: a stabilising stone that centres and grounds physical energies, being useful in time of stress; helps to prepare for meditation and stabilises spiritual development; provides insight into the causes of problems and situations; aids concentration and brings tolerance and flexibility to the mind; teaches acceptance and patience, especially helpful to those who feel they have too much responsibility; provides strength and support, helping to combat anger and emotional stress
a stone of nurturing, it uplifts your feelings from stressful oppression into freedom and clarity through its ability to enhance tolerance, trust and insight by providing understanding into the root of problems
the stone of opportunity; attracts abundance, strengthens relationships and encourages compassion; also increases wealth and prosperity; is a comforter and heart healer; brings well-being and emotional calm; dissolves negative emotions and thoughts; neutralizes all sources of electromagnetic pollution, blocking out emanations from computers, television and other electronic equipment
brings a self-confidence built on fearlessness, a call to action and excitement; raises our enthusiasm
provides protection, elevates one’s vibration; harmony
enhances leadership & entrepreneurial skills
facilitates self-expression, assisting in communication and expressing your truth and beliefs
a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy; an active crystal that speeds up development and growth physically, mentally and spiritually
restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity; dispels apathy and motivates for success
known as the cleansing stone; activates self-confidence, creativity and attracts wealth; provides motivation and encourages self-expression, while enhancing concentration; most commonly used gemstone by entrepreneurs and creatives
bringer of good luck and good fortune
CORAL (dyed red)
allows you to value your past, while embracing the future; releases unhealthy thoughts, facilitating honesty, intuition, imagination and visualizations; combats fear, supports change and transformation
increases self confidence & aids in decision making
GARNET: a stone of prosperity and abundance, encouraging gratitude and service to others; supports a healthy flow of chi through your body, essential for feeling energized and happy
a stone of commitment; represents love, revitalizing feelings and enhances sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship; controls anger, especially toward the self
increases mental abilities, inner peace and emotional honesty
protects and enhances inner-strength and courage; calms you down during stressful and worrisome times; a great tool for meditation; allows one's energy to vibrate high; health benefits include regulating blood flow in your body, aiding in high blood pressure, headaches and anemia
dominant guardian stone, provides support in releasing attachments to old emotional pain
a stone that blesses whatever it touches, keeps harm at bay and brings harmony and stability; represents pureness, gentleness, love, longevity, wisdom and confidence
a stone that blesses whatever it touches; brings harmony and stability to your life; represents pureness, gentleness, love, longevity, wisdom and confidence; a stone of abundance, and it can improve your circumstances in life, especially your finances
JASPER: known as the “Supreme Nurturer” ; provides protection and absorbs negative energy; balances yin and yang; clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation
strengthens self-control & encourages perseverance; an exceptional stone for healing disease within the emotional system, especially in areas of obsession by balancing out parts of one's life that have become all-important to the detriment of others
promotes connection to the earth; grounding; some view this stone as a direct message from the Earth itself, instilling a sense of proportion, bringing comfort, alleviating fear and cultivating harmony; great for meditation
provides grounding Earth energy & unifies all aspects of your life, dispelling chaos (some Native American cultures consider this gemstone to symbolize the blood of earth, making it particularly sacred)
aids in the growth of new endeavors; decreases fear, while increasing feelings of confidence and self-worth; this stone is a powerful detoxifier and can help boost the immune system, promoting better health
provides balance of yin and yang energy, dispels blockages, encourages psychic abilities & communication on all levels
a stone of transformation, imparting strength & perseverance, strengthens intuition - promoting psychic abilities; dispels insecurity and fear; balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies; powerful in revealing the truth behind illusions; stimulates the imagination and calms an overactive mind, developing enthusiasm and new ideas
encourages self-awareness, self-expression, reveals inner truth and inspires you to speak your truth with confidence; provides clarity and encourages creativity
helps harmonize relationships, stimulating self love and passion; attract new love, abundance and prosperity; helps to heal the heart of the energy of depression and anxiety
MAGNESITE: improves creative visualization and imagination; calming and brings deep peace during meditation; known to stimulate passion in the heart
a Stone of Transformation, assisting one in changing situations and providing for spiritual growth; heals on physical and emotional levels, drawing out impurities and stimulating the Life Force throughout the aura and body; absorbs negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body; guards against radiation and clears electromagnetic pollution; opens the heart to unconditional love
MOONSTONE: a stone for “new beginnings”;a stone of inner growth and strength; soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilises the emotions, providing calmness; enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters; aids the digestive system, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, and alleviates degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes, and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas; stimulates the pineal gland and balances hormonal cycles, being excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding; also beneficial to men in opening the emotional self
illuminates visions and dreams and assists in charting a clear path forward; cultivates a sense of safety and a willingness to be vulnerable in a healthy relationship; soothes worry, anxiety and brings out the best in people; teaches the value of patience
taps inner wisdom and nurtures love; enhances personal integrity, brings truth forward, grows sincerity, inhibits immodest behavior
used to enhance personal integrity, bring truth forward, grow sincerity, inhibit immodest behavior and advance in wisdom; helps nurture love, balance body rhythms and hormone levels with lunar cycles and harmonize with the natural world
mother-of-pearl shell in all its colors is believed to bring about prosperity; a stress relieving stone; relaxing, soothing and calming to the emotions; stimulates intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability; invites you to use your inner-wisdom and do things using your heart and intellect; attracts strong kinships and warm relationships with those around you; builds self-esteem and guides you into using your personal power responsibly
mother-of-pearl shell in all its colors is believed to bring about prosperity; the black color adds a layer of extra power and potency to the mother of pearl shells; helps protect you against negativities as well as chaotic situations; stimulates intuition, imagination and adaptability; has powerful protective qualities
mother-of-pearl shell in all its colors is believed to bring about prosperity; the white or cream mother of pearls are known for their energies of purity, calmness and connection to the divine; can offer relaxation and soothing energies to your spirit and mind
OBSIDIAN: truth-enhancing; a strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity; blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment; draws out mental stress and tension; stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons; brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion; helps you to know who you truly are; dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas; promotes qualities of compassion and strength; aids the digestion and detoxifies; reduces arthritis pain, joint problems and cramps; warms the extremities
excellent tool for viewing the future or accessing knowledge from the past; aids in revealing the heart of a problem or situation in the present; dissolves negativity and purifies the aura
provides balance for your body, mind and spirit; allows you to see the light within darkness; aids in bringing deeply-rooted emotions to the surface, releasing old attachments and paving the way to new beginnings
prevents the drain of personal energy & releases self doubt; removes emotional and physical energy blockages. Provides physical endurance and protection
heightens dreaming & remembering; a wonderful connector with nature and a great Feng Shui stone; helps with de-cluttering; removing things that are no longer needed in your space; encourages trust in the universe
the take action stone, increases wealth and success; amplifies surrounding energies
QUARTZ: balance, clarity and energy, and credited with benefiting overall health and spiritual well-being
known as the power stone; counteracts negativity, clears your mind, amplifies energy and intentions; connects you with your higher-self; cleanses and activates the power and energy of gemstones it accompanies; It is also known to stimulate the immune and circulatory systems, enhancing the flow of energy and bringing the body into balance; aids in treating migraine headaches, vertigo, dizziness and motion sickness; it is also believed to assist with metabolism, weight loss and exhaustion
a gemstone known for enriching your life, imparting adventure and elevating your spirit; directs you towards wealth, abundance and success; it is also said to benefit the core of the body, the circulatory system, as well as the stomach and digestive systems
encourages unconditional love; opens the heart up to instill and promote self-love, friendship and restores trust and harmony in all relationships, including romantic; calms and reassures during difficult times, with the power of love at the center of all emotions; physically, this gemstone is known to help with pain relief with skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, gout and burns; it also has a cooling effect and works as an anti-inflammatory; one of the most prominent gemstones for those born under the Taurus zodiac sign
helps one ground themselves to Earth, in addition to opening up the root chakra and solar plexus; assist in not only clearing your mind but to allow you to be more level headed; helps you find the drive and determination that sometimes feels lost in our daily lives; very strong manifestation stone
purifies negative energy, promotes concentration & peace
brings the benefit of clarity for decision-making, relief from 'burnout', panic, nervousness or exhaustion, sharper memory and concentration skills, and protection from lethargy and depression during dull weather
aids in emotional healing; energizes the soul, opens the heart and lifts depression; also encourages creativity and innovation, while boosting self-confidence and comfort in your own skin, talents and skills
promotes outward love and generosity; aids in using your talents to bring gifts to others; brings love and fulfillment into your life as a result of your talents
access one's will and initiative; energizes one's aura & helps in becoming unstuck or stagnant; balances your Yin and Yang; represents change, acceptance and growth; encourages you to go with the flow, rather than resist evolution
the stone for divine creativity. It promotes high self-esteem, intuition and spiritual wisdom. It also symbolizes good fortune, pure love and loyalty; it’s strong vibration stimulates energy, vitality, sensuality, sexuality and a passion for life
detoxifies and purifies your body of negative energies and anything that is hazardous to your health; functions as a powerful shield against human-made electromagnetic fields, which is especially useful in this day and age where technology advances and increases continuously; this gemstone infuses your aura with light and only allows positive and beneficial energies to enter your body
brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks; enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust; balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system and overcomes calcium deficiencies
luck and good fortune; instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine; dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality; boosts energy levels; it carries the regenerative qualities of the sun and shines positivity on all endeavors
stone of protection and good luck; helps to release fear and anxiety, aiding in harmony and balance; an ideal stone for those who tend to criticize their own actions, providing courage, will-power and self-confidence; stimulates taking action and accomplishing goals by way of making decisions with discernment and understanding, unclouded by emotions; also enhances creativity and the execution of such ideas
aids in communicating with clarity and acting from a place of integrity; enables the expansion of one's horizons leading to better opportunities and prosperity; often used for manifestation
increases momentum when effort and action is taken towards desired outcomes; allows for easier access to our intuition, leading to better opportunities
enhances grounding; stimulates compassion; helps you pull together many details in order to make sense of a whole; promotes equality, integrity and energetic protection; increases psychic skills
motivates unclouded decisions translating into action and completing tasks
nature's most healing crystal of the heart and mind; resonates with the frequency of love, compassion & kindness; balances the emotional body